Project: pläd mormor

If Google Translate is right, pläd mormor is Swedish for "granny square." 

Small granny squares, back side shown

Small granny squares, back side shown

While cleaning up my yarn stash and unfinished projects, I pulled out a bag of small granny squares. Each one is about 2" across. I think my original plan was to make a baby blanket for my niece - and after calculating out how many more squares I'd have to make and seam together to do that (about 50), I opted for a change of plan.  

Granny square blanket, available at

Granny square blanket, available at

This granny square blanket popped up in my Pinterest feed and looked like just the thing. Only the first round uses a color, with the rest of the block done in white. The overall effect is still colorful, in a clean, modern way. All I needed to do was buy more white yarn, select a handful of the squares, and add a few more rounds. 9 squares are enough to make a baby blanket, so now I just need to weave in ends, block the squares, seam them together, and do a simple border in the same gold color as used for two of the squares. 

Granny squares

Granny squares